It's time for a Mega Doritos Taste Test!
"Another one?" I hear you say. Yes, another one. I was a little disappointed with the first one, only having 11 different flavors when I knew there were a whole lot more!
So today, I have found 23 different Doritos flavors for all of us to try including unique flavors from Japan and Mexico!
With the whole family together, it's a great time to have these giant taste tests to get lots of different opinions on all the flavors.
The back of the bags are sometimes interesting to read.
Patrick, Jon, and Theresa helping get the long table set up with all the different flavors for everyone to try.
Joe - There's 23 different kinds of Doritos!
Ian - Oh my!
Patrick - If you don't feel like eating the spicy ones, that's okay.
Joe - Anyone have an idea what they think they're going to like best?
Spicy Nacho! Cool Ranch! were the loudest shouts.
Doritos Nacho Cheese
It's not the original flavor of Doritos, but it's the one everyone thinks of. The first Doritos flavor was just a plain corn tortilla chip in 1966. Taco flavored Doritos followed in 1967, but in 1972 Nacho Cheese was released! Joe - It's a crunchy tortilla chip.
Patrick - Tastes like Doritos.
Avery - Yummy nummy!
Isaac - That's delicious.
Sheila - Yep. That's good.
Avery - These are SO GOOD!
Isaac - I love these!
Ian (psyching himself up) - Whew! Okay now... <eats it> I don't get any spice on that one though.
Joe - It's got more flavor than the regular Nacho Doritos.
Theresa - Oh yeah! And it's a good flavor!
Patrick - It's not super spicy.
Megan - I like those.
Doritos Flamin' Hot
Joe - Well if that one didn't have enough spice, let's jump over to Flamin' Hot Nacho! Look at the red color on those. Avery - Nope, nope, nope. Not trying that.
Eli - That'll burn my taste buds off.
Ian - I need a small one.
Isaac - It's not too spicy.
Jon - More red than spicy.
Jess - Yes. Not that spicy.
Sheila - That was fine, until it hit the back of my throat. Then it was hot.
Theresa - It's not more flavorful than the Spicy Nacho though. But it's hotter at the end.
Sheila - It was good until it wasn't.
Since we're going with hot flavors, we'll do the one based on the Hot Sauce.
Doritos Tapatio!
Patrick - It's a lot less red than the Flamin Hot.
Joe - There's not a lot of flavor to it.
Eli - That's vinegary.
Megan - I did not like that at all.
Jess - That's yummy!
Alli - I love the Tapatio.
Ian - It's pretty good.
Theresa - I'd eat that one.
After all that heat, let's cool our tongues with some tasty tacos.
Doritos Taco Flavor (in a classic bag)
Avery - Yay!
Megan - This is the only Dorito my mother will eat. For whatever reason.
Theresa - I don't particularly like this. I thought it was weird.
Alli - I don't like it.
Patrick - That tastes like it has more veggies in it.
Theresa - Like tomatoes and lettuce.
Megan - Yep! Tomatoes and lettuce.
Jess - That's weird.
Theresa - Lettuce shouldn't be a chip.
Joe - Those Asian countries are really good at getting flavors right. Wonder what this will taste like.
Jon - Beans!
Joe - Beans?
Megan - Is it... sweet?
Joe - It is sweet.
Avery - It's so good!
Alli - I love them!
Megan - I don't dislike them. It was just shocking.
Avery - It tastes like Mexico beans. Yum!
Mickey - A very distinctive taste.
Jon - Like bean dip.
Patrick - That's a good one. I like that one.
Doritos Salsa Verde
Eli - It looks like a tortilla chip.
Patrick - It doesn't say flaming hot.
Joe - But there are flames on the bag.
Patrick - That is light.
Eli - It just tastes like a tortilla chip.
Avery - Like a tortilla chip.
Patrick - I might need a palate cleanser. I can't taste it.
Theresa - That's just a plain tortilla chip right there.
Sheila - It tastes like nothing.
Jon - It doesn't match the bag though.
Patrick - Maybe we did get the original tortilla chip after all.
Sheila - Do you think it's like the wonton dipping sauce?
Ian - Yum!
Joe - So sweet.
Josh - It's sweet and salty.
Eli - Like soy sauce.
Patrick - That's a good one.
Jon - I like that a lot.
Alli - That's pretty good.
Ian - It reminds me of Japan. They sweeten everything.
Megan - I thought before that I didn't like those. But that taste is not familiar to me at all. It's just okay, but it's not bad.
Doritos Spicy Pineapple Jalapeno
Patrick - We've got a few more spicy ones to try. Spicy Pineapple next?
Avery - Eww.
Joe - I can taste the jalapeno. It has a pineapple tang to it.
Theresa - Eww.
Patrick - I like it!
Joe - I don't think Josh does.
Theresa - That is gross.
Ian - That's disgusting.
Avery - It tastes like soy sauce!
Sheila - I don't like that.
Theresa - Just give Patrick that bag.
Jon - Worst one so far.
Sheila - Yes. The worst.
Doritos Flamin' Hot Limon
Patrick - It's another red one.
Jon - Getting the lime on the front.
Jon - Getting the lime on the front.
Patrick - It's not very flamin.
Sheila - It hits you afterwards.
Ian - I like that.
Avery - I like the lemon!
Eli - Better than Pineapple.
Jon - Pineapple was gross.
Josh - The worst.
Theresa - Flamin Hot Limon is way better than Flamin Hot Nacho.
Jess - I'm still trying to get the pineapple one out of my mouth.
Megan - Fake lime flavor though...
Doritos Dinamita Chili Limon
Patrick - Since we did the Limon Chips, let's do the Chile Limon ones next.
Joe - These are rolled chips. Still tortilla chips, just rolled up.
Ian - I'll grab a small one.
Isaac - I like these!
Joe - I like how they're rolled. They give you a good crunch.
Jon - I don't taste a big difference between the Flamin Hot Limon and the Chile Limon.
Theresa - Me either. Just the extra crunch.
Eli - It wasn't as spicy to me.
Patrick - I got more Limon flavor in this one.
Mickey - I like the crunchiness better.
Doritos Dinamita Sticks Tangy Fiery Lime
Patrick - Shall we do the next Lime flavored one?
Theresa - These are kinda puffy.
Patrick - They're sticks.
Megan - Are they like fries?
Jon - They're fluffy.
Theresa - I don't like that lime. It's like a cleaner lime.
Jess - It's more limey than the other ones.
Mickey - Definitely more lime.
Avery - It's really good, but spicy!
Josh - It tastes like a piece of flavored styrofoam.
Theresa - With house cleaner!
Alli - It tastes like the last one, but puffier.
Doritos Dinamita Flamin' Hot from Mexico
Megan - This is from the Mexican grocery store.
Jon - So there's no lime.
Josh - That's pretty good.
Megan - We need sour cream to dip them in.
Jess - That would be good.
Eli - It's not that bad.
Theresa - Those are yummy.
Megan - The flavor is better.
Doritos Flamas
Theresa - That looks like Flamas.
Jess - It looks intimidating.
Theresa - I feel like Flamas tastes like Flamin' Hot Limon.
Josh - It's not that strong though.
Megan - Also from the Mexican grocery store.
Patrick - Spicy cheese.
Megan - Bleh. Nope. Don't like that.
Joe - It's an interesting cheese.
Patrick - I'm not a fan.
Jon - I don't know much Spanish, but it looks like these have excessive fat, excessive calories, and excessive sodium.
Mickey - It's a weird flavor.
Theresa - I don't care for that flavor. Did anyone like that one?
Doritos Dinamita Sticks Smoky Chile Queso
Patrick - Let's start cooling things down.
Jon - These are sticks again.
Patrick - More styrofoam! Ooh! I like those!
Jon - I like the smoky.
Patrick - But it's another styrofoam stick.
Megan - That's a nasty smoky.
Jon - I would like the flavor on a chip, but that styrofoam stick does nothing for it.
Doritos Dinamita Sticks Hot Honey Mustard
Megan - Eew!
Isaac - I'm not a mustard guy.
Jon - Again, good flavor. Bad delivery system.
Avery - No!
Jon - It's like a horseradish.
Patrick - I like that one.
Joe - I like that one too.
Josh - That stuff is good.
Theresa - If you like horseradish, you're going to like that one.
Doritos Sweet and Tangy BBQ
Jon - I'm curious if it will taste like a BBQ chips, or if it's more Doritoey.
Jon - I'm curious if it will taste like a BBQ chips, or if it's more Doritoey.
Patrick - It's very dark.
Avery - Yuck! That is so gross!
Theresa - I agree. BBQ is nasty. I don't like BBQ.
Theresa - I agree. BBQ is nasty. I don't like BBQ.
Doritos Simply Organic White Cheddar
Joe - Are these even going to have a flavor?
Patrick - I haven't licked my fingers yet this whole time.
Theresa - Does it even have a little bit of cheddar flavor?
Ian - Eew. It's not good cheese.
Joe - This is like powdered mac and cheese cheese.
Jess - But not the good one.
Doritos Nacho Cheese from Japan
Ian - The Nacho Cheese from Japan? Count me in!
Patrick - It's light.
Ian - I like it a lot.
Patrick - Compared to the Nacho Cheese of America, I like this one better.
Theresa - I do too.
Mickey - You brought these all the way back from Japan?
Theresa - All the way from Japan, to Michigan, to Florida, to Colorado.
Doritos Flamin Hot Cool Ranch
Patrick - I got the Cool Ranch.
Joe - But it's not nearly as spicy as some of these other ones.
Eli - Not for me. My tongue says no more.
Theresa - It tastes like Cool Ranch with a hint of spice. Patrick - Not bad.
Doritos Cool Ranch
Patrick - Last one. Best one. Everyone's favorite.
Theresa - Not my favorite. Patrick - The best!
Joe - Those are good!
Alli - I like the Cool Ranch.
Megan just took the bag.
Time to go through all of them again and taste everything to pick a winner.
Ian - I didn't not try any of them.
Theresa - Good job bud!
Any surprises? Any you hated?
"The Pineapple! The Honey Mustard!"
"The texture of the sticks wasn't good."
Time for the winners! With 23 different flavors and 14 people trying them, we're going to have some differences.
Megan - My favorite is a tie between the Cool Ranch and Spicy Nacho. And the least favorite was between the smoky queso and the tangy fiery lime.
Jess - I always like Cool Ranch. The Japanese Cheddar was yummy. The spicy pineapple I had to spit out. And the hot honey mustard was nasty. Isaac - I liked most of the spicy ones, but my favorite is the Spicy Cool Ranch and Spicy Nacho. Lease favorite is the Hot Honey Mustard and the Smoky Chile Queso. Both flavor and texture.
Joe - My favorite was the Flamin Hot Cool Ranch. I did not care for the Late Night Loaded Taco or the Smoky Chile Queso. Alli - My favorite was the taco from Japan. Then the cheese from Japan. Then the Tapatio. My least favorite was the Honey Mustard! That's the only one I spit out.
Ian - The best is the taco from Japan. The worst is the horseradish hot honey mustard. Jon - I liked the Sweet Spicy Chili. But my backup would be the Hot Honey Mustard if it weren't for the styrofoam texture. I liked the flavor. And by far the worst, not even close was the Spicy Pineapple Jalapeno.
Emma - My favorite was Nacho Cheese.
Avery - My favorite is the Doritos Taco. And my least favorite was the cool ranch.
Patrick - What?!?
Jon - Whose kid is that?
Megan - Never tell me that again.
Mickey - My favorite was the Flamin Hot Sticks. The Dinimatas Flamin Hot from Mexico. I loved them. And the Salsa Verde was a waste of time. Tasteless.
Sheila - My favorite was the Hot Honey Mustard. Followed by the Smoky Chile Queso, and then the Sweet Chili. And last was pineapple.
Jon - I need to try it again to remind myself how bad it was.
Josh - I didn't have a favorite, but the worst was the Pineapple one.
Patrick - So my favorite. Favorite favorite. Was the Spicy Pineapple Jalapeno.
BOOOO. Lots of boos from the entire table. And the Flamin Hot Cool Ranch was good. And I agree with Dad. The Salsa Verde was pointless. Some of those, the Flautas and Flamin Hot were too hot.
A taste test that makes a person have a Doritos snack attack :-)...lots of good ones and some not so yummy. Definitely needed the looooooooong table plus more just to try all 23's a wonder that one's taste buds could taste the differences after a few samples (think Theresa was onto something about how the chips may have tasted different if sampled in a different order). Nice photos of each person(s) holding their favorite. Funniest comment: "I need to try it again to remind myself how bad it was!" Best description for the rolled up chips: styrofoam sticks. Winner of the "Booooo" award: Patrick! Best description of a "yucky" chip: "tastes like flavored styrofoam...with house cleaner!" What a fun, tasty (in most cases) taste test!! EOM