
Saturday, June 14, 2008

Fresno Fruit Trail with Chi and Richard

In 2008, Richard and Chi flew down from Michigan to visit Theresa and I in California. We all piled into the car and drove north to Fresno, to follow the Fresno Fruit Trail! It's early summer and there's so much fresh fruit and veggies, and we're going to explore as much as we can!

There were lots of roadside stands. We stopped at as many as we could. 

Blackberries should be very tasty. 

Trying for some artistic shots. 


Theresa read good things about this blueberry farm. They have some special hybrid blueberries that are unique to their farm. 

The owner even took us to see the processing center to see what happens after they're picked. 

Getting placed on a optical sorter. 

And getting a final visual inspection by workers before packaging. 

We bought a couple large containers and then continued to the next farm stand. Theresa noticed she'd eaten almost all of one container and decided we needed to turn back around and go back to the blueberry farm to buy even more! The owner was surprised to see us back so soon!


And one of me! It was a fun few days driving around to the different farms and finding tasty fruit!

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