
Sunday, March 17, 2019

Planning our St Patrick's Day Leprechaun Trap

Inspired by Phineas and Ferb, I wanted to have a fun planning, design and build session with the kids. Seeing as how St. Patrick's Day was coming up, we had the perfect opportunity. Time to make a Leprechaun trap!
First up is plan and design. We tossed around a few different ideas. Ian had an idea of a net that drops down over the leprechaun and a claw that grabs him. He's got a sad face in the middle of that net.
Alli had the leprechaun surrounded by lava. He doesn't seem too happy in there either. Love the creativity.

Explaining how the different traps work to mom.

The video, in their own words.

Time to start the build! First we wrap the outside in green for camouflage.

Then we add a decorative border so as to disguise the box nature of the trap.

How do you spell "Free Gold"?

Alli copied Ian's letters and did a pretty good job. They both drew smiling faces to convince any leprechauns that things are all good.

Time for the bait. A bowl filled with Lucky Charms and some gold. First we tape a string onto the bait.

Then tape the other end of the string to the trap arm propping up the box.

Daddy, can we eat the Lucky Charms?

 Show me how it works!

All set up and ready for tonight. Off to bed kids! Let's see what happens overnight.

And overnight it turns out we had a visitor!

As soon as the kids got up, I reminded them that they needed to go check their trap. Did you catch anything?

Instead of getting three wishes, we got three gold coins. Thanks Lucky!

The kids and I had a lot of fun designing the leprechaun trap! Happy St. Patrick's Day!


  1. (belated) Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone! What a neat, fun plan/design/build project!! Also, having them explain their plan/design is a great way to grow their communication skills, too. Ian and Alli learned so many different things (whether they realize it or not!) in creating that leprechaun trap. I like that "3 coins" for the "3 wishes" idea (but maybe it's less wishes since Ian & Alli thoughtfully gave a coin to the leprechaun to thank him!), and such a cute leprechaun to trap. As a related aside, did you see the MC recent article on "The Little Man of Disneyland"? It's a great tie-in to the holiday. Maybe that's something the little detectives can look for the next time they're in Disneyland. Thanks for sharing the family project. EOM

    1. That little man of Disneyland would be a good tie-in, and I don't think the kids have seen his door yet. I'll try to remember on our next visit.
