
Tuesday, May 4, 2021

We're going on an adventure!

This past year with COVID has been pretty eye-opening for us. It's helped us realize that there's a lot more to life than working, and that we need to prioritize spending more time with family.  

And so, to do that, Theresa and I are leaving our jobs, and we're moving out of California! 

This rental property we've been in for the last few months has been great. We've spent a lot of time slowly getting rid of all the things we didn't want to move across the country. It's helped us see that we've accumulated a lot of "stuff" over the years, but really we don't need it all. 
Hey Alli, that's a great drawing of the house!

We were fortunate to luck out with great neighbors while we were here. 

And some really great teachers. Both Ian and Alli had Mrs. C and she's just the best. 
It was really hard to say goodbye to a lot of friends. 

I was even able to get one last beach volleyball session in! It's been nearly 18 months since I've played, but my friend Alysa pulled together enough people who have had their 2nd vaccinations to get a game going and we had a great time! 

And I loved seeing co-workers I haven't seen in person in a long time too. Thanks for dropping off dinner!

After turning in everything for work, we spent the next week getting things packed up into boxes and disassembling all the bigger items. Moving day will be here soon! 

It's so great that the vaccinations are starting to roll out all over the country. After isolating ourselves for the past year, we're finally able to see some family again! 
Pop Pop is always willing to help out with big stuff like this. In this case, he's giving us huge help by driving a moving truck out to California!
It was so good to see him again, and I know the kids have missed him. 

Great big hugs!

Even though he's been driving long days and got in late, the kids wanted to stay up and wait for him. And without too much delay, they roped him into a game of Uno. 

The next day we loaded up the truck. All our stuff is disassembled and packed into the garage for better organization, so we're eating on folding tables. Starting our day with a good breakfast. 

We packed the truck up pretty high. I'm glad we've been getting rid of a lot of things. 

It's always those last few random items that you can't put into boxes that take up the most room. Everything is loaded! Tomorrow we're going on a long drive. 

Time to go! Love you Pop Pop (in chalk on the driveway). 

All three families are headed in the same direction. Pop Pop left as soon as he could in the moving van, early in the morning. 

Grammy and Grandpa were in their car not too far behind. 

We had our walk-through of the house with the rental agency and then it was time to go. Goodbye California! It's been fun! Lots of friends, lots of memories here, but now we're off to new adventures! 

Goodbye house! 

It's been a long time since we've been on a road trip. A really long time. 

The kids were excited because they get to play on their iPads almost all day. 

Just before we got out of California, we caught up with Pop Pop in the moving van! 

Both of us were running low on fuel so we gassed up just enough to get us past the California border, to where the taxes on gasoline are a bit lower. 

Hello Arizona!

It was after dark and it came up quick, so we missed getting a picture of the sign, but "Welcome to New Mexico!" 
This map of states the kids have visited hasn't been updated in nearly 18 months! Today we're adding New Mexico in pink!

It's been a long driving day, but the kids were awesome. I'm glad those "good traveler" skills have stuck with us. 
From the time-stamps on my photos, we left at 9:30am from California and checked into the hotel at 9:30pm. With the 1 hour time-change that's an 11 hour travel day. Great job kids!
Before the trip, we asked if they wanted to keep a stuffy available. They both chose stuffed animals that their friend Brylie got them. 

Everyone slept well, but in the morning it was time to hit the road early. Destination: Colorado!

It's just so different out here driving with the wide open spaces. You can see from the horizon on one side to the horizon on the other. No big buildings or cities to obstruct your view. 

Welcome to Colorful Colorado!

Gram, we've missed you! 

Big hugs! 
Patrick, Megan, and Avery came over, and together we unloaded half the truck. Theresa, the kids, and I are spending some of the summer in Colorado with Gram and Pop Pop while we work on the next part of our plan (more to come on that a bit later). 

Loving reading with Gram before bed at night. 

The next morning it was time for the next phase. It's a little bit sad, but sometimes changes are. Grammy and Grandpa, who have been with us in California since before Ian was born, are moving back to Michigan. 

The moving truck, with the other half of everything (all their stuff) is continuing the journey to Michigan, along with a follower car with Grammy, Grandpa, and Gram. Safe travels!

1 comment:

  1. Felt a sense of loss when I read "leaving California" since I'm a native of So Cal...will miss all those So Cal adventures I've grown to know and enjoy through reading your blog (will definitely miss those frequent Disneyland trips, for sure!); but at the same time I could see/hear the excitement by you, Theresa, Ian, & Alli as you all take this new adventure TOGETHER as a FAMILY!! Desiring to put family first and willing to leave behind your "comfort zone" says a lot about what's important to you and T...I commend you for this! May your new adventure be a blessed one and filled with new memories that continue to draw your family closer to each other (maybe Ian will get that "special hike" after all when he grows older!) Saying goodbye to Grammy & Grandpa must have been really tough! Safe travels for everyone and will look forward to the new adventure as it unfolds. EOM
