Today we are in Arizona, so what better place to do a taste test for AriZona drinks!
And taste tests are always more fun when you do it with friends, so I was thrilled that Amy, Charlotte, Victoria, and Katherine were all able to join us for it!

Rx Energy Herbal Tonic

Amy - That almost smells like Hi-C Orange drink.
Theresa - That is way better than I thought it would.
Ian - That is so good!
Joe - I almost expect it to be carbonated, but none of these are huh.
Alli - No thank you.
Theresa - It has a weird aftertaste. I thought it would be my worst, but I don't know.
Amy - I don't hate it. I don't feel like it's herbal. It's fine. I was prepared for medicine.
Charlotte - It tastes like watermelon juice.
Theresa - I wouldn't have guessed the flavor is watermelon.
Alli - It tastes delicious.
Joe - So... the first ingredient is pear juice, then mango, pineapple, kiwi, and finally watermelon.
Amy - It taste like generic juice box from the 90s.
Theresa - YES! Exactly!
Ian - Yes!
Amy - I'm predicting Snapple vibes.
Ian - It has a weird smell.
Theresa - Kind-of a bad smell.
Alli - This tastes horrible.
Tori - Like schoolboy sweat.
Joe - Really? That's going to make it into the review.
Amy - It doesn't have much flavor.
Theresa - Maybe for being such a big can, you don't want it to have a lot of flavor if you're going to drink it all.
Joe - Not just a little mango. Mucho mango!
Theresa - Definitely a mango fruit cocktail.
Charlotte - It taste less flavorful than the others.
Joe - All of these so far don't have a lot of flavor.
Amy - They taste like a fancy water.
Ian - It's refreshing.
Alli - Can I dump this out?
Amy - If this was a blind taste test, I don't know if I'd be able to tell you what they are.
Fruit Punch Fruit Juice Cocktail
Joe - I'm not a Fruit Punch fan in the first place, so we'll see how this goes.
Ian - Not bad. Not good.
Amy - Fruit punch. Like at the church social when it's real watered down.
Joe - Amy, I love your descriptions. You're totally right.
Charlotte - I like these so far.
Theresa - For all these, I don't love them, but if it's hot outside and you gave me one of these cold, I would drink it.
Joe - If I could pick any of these by name alone, I would probably pick grape. My usual favorites are grape and strawberry.
Theresa - Let's see if it meets your expectations.
Charlotte - I have had a grape popsicle that tasted like this.
Amy - It's like grape kool-ade but also with dirt.
Theresa - I don't quite get the dirt, but it's not good.
Ian - Yuck! Can you pour this out for me?
Amy - I'm pouring mine out too Ian. I'm right there with you.
Joe - This would have been my second pick, just from the label.
Tori - It tastes like strawberry lemonade that's not lemonadey enough.
Amy - It's very strawberry heavy. I don't hate it.
Katherine - It's like when I first started drinking Monsters and I had to water it down with lemonade.
Green Tea with Ginseng and Honey
Amy - This is probably going to be one of my favorites.
Ian - Yum! That's a sweet tea.
Ian - Not good. I'm just going to set it down there.
Joe - It's what I expect.
Theresa - It's almost like an astringent aftertaste. Like when I have a persimmon in my mouth.
Ian - Give me only a little bit!
Alli - Just a tiny tad!
Joe - I thought you like tea!
Alli - Not these.
Amy - This was all I drank the first summer I was here.
Joe - It has less sugar than the other teas.
Ian - Mmm.
Joe - Taste like Aunt Rita's?
Alli - More please!
Joe - It's... it's tea.
Theresa - That tastes quite a bit like the iced tea with lemon.
Ian - Dump it out. It's not good.
Theresa - If you had to drink a whole can of something, which would you pick?
Amy - I wouldn't choose any of those fruits.
Joe - Those cans are a lot. And you can't reseal it.
Theresa - I'm not a fruit juice cocktail fan either.
Amy - I was surprised by the herbal energy one. It was not offensive. I was prepared for it to be terrible.
Theresa - All of these drinks were ok-ish. None that I would buy. Probably one of my first and last AriZona cans.
What about favorites? Does anyone have any? Or at least can you pick one you dislike least.
Alli - Sweet tea
Ian - Energy Drink
Charlotte - Raspberry tea
Joe - Raspberry tea
Theresa - Green tea. I feel like it's not overpowering.
Amy - Green tea.
Others abstained from voting. 
Well these weren't our favorite drinks. Amy's comment of Capri-Sun for grown-ups held true for pretty much all of them. Theresa mentioned the Donald Duck fruit juice cocktails we tried a while ago. I don't think they're quite as bad as that, but they're not that great either.
Looks like the best part of the taste test was seeing all the colorful cans :-) ...even Arnold Palmer's name couldn't save the day! Some funny/unusual comments during the test..."Like schoolboy sweat" (egads!)..."Grape Kool-ade but also w/ dirt" (yikes!)..."Astringent after-taste" (ugh!) Short of not trying any of it, Alli best described how much one should taste, "Just a tiny tad!" :-) That was a nice overhead shot of the 12 cans w/ poured drinks...nicely captures the arrangement w/ its "curved" pattern (honorable mention is the closing shot). Interesting taste test! EOM