
Monday, September 20, 2021

Pizza at Home - New Hampshire Dairy Farms Ice Cream Pizza

Happy Sunday! Pizza day is taking a little bit of a different feel today. That's because we're in New Hampshire and one thing we've been seeing a lot of in New Hampshire has been dairy farms. We've stopped at 3 so far! Many of them have ice cream to buy, so for today, I'm making a New Hampshire Ice Cream cookie pizza!

For the base, I'm using homemade cookie dough, pressed roughly into the shape of a pizza. 

I froze the dough to help it come together a little better, then baked it low at 365 degrees until I thought it was done. 

One the baking was complete, I let it cool on the countertop and then back into the freezer to chill. 
For my ice cream, I'm using a premium vanilla from the Granite State Candy Shoppe NH. 

The Granite State Candy Company was founded back in 1927 by the Bart family, and they've been provided their customers treats for three generations. 

Once my cookie was hard, I scooped my vanilla ice cream on top. 

Then I spread it as best I could with a spatula. 

New Hampshire is the Granite State, so I was going for a brown and black speckled granite look on top. I shaved some chocolate curls and crushed a cookie to provide my toppings. 

Then sprinkled it on in a semi-random pattern. 

One thing about RV freezers. They do not get super cold. I have a temperature monitor on the freezer and it's rare that it goes below 10 degrees. That means all ice cream is soft serve ice cream. The ice cream I spread did set, but it's not going to last for long. 

But it does look tasty. 

Ian asked for a fork to eat it, but buddy, there's no need! You can pick this up like a slice of pizza! The frozen cookie did still take some teeth to crunch through. 

But chocolate chip cookie, yummy ice cream, and tasty toppings is always a good combination. I thought it was delicious! 

The kids are giving me a thumbs up! 

But all of us who had it did end up with a stream of melted ice cream down our hands. Either way, this was a little bit of a different take on our weekly pizza, but it was good!

1 comment:

  1. Homemade chocolate chip cookie + Rich vanilla ice cream + Chocolate shavings & cookie crumbs = a delicious treat! Yummy dessert cookie pizza...creative way to incorporate the dairy farm idea into a "pizza"! EOM
