
Tuesday, December 20, 2022

A Michigan Thanksgiving Christmas

We're very fortunate to be able to visit both our families during the holidays. We split our time between Colorado and Michigan, and this year we're headed to Michigan for Thanksgiving! 

Hop in the shuttle at the airport. It's nice and warm in Florida. 

Connecting in Chicago I like the Christmas decorations. Yes Ian, we're some of the only ones here in shorts. 

I had hoped to be able to recreate a few of the Home Alone running through the airport scenes, but alas, it's the other Chicago airport where it was filmed. 

Made it to Michigan! My favorite coffee mug. It's way bigger than a usual coffee mug. 

Oh but brr is it cold here! It's in the 20s and windy here. 

What do you think Theresa? Are these pants me? 

A shirt that matches my favorite coffee mug! 

They love their cousin. 

But why are they getting all bundled up? 

They are going to Downtown Detroit for the official tree lighting ceremony!

There's so many activities!
It's like mini-golf.

But it's hockey!

Shoot around the obstacles and make it into the goal!

Mmm. Tasty treats!

Lots of different waffles with fun toppings. 

There was even an arcade that was put together in a pop-up tent. 

They won lots and lots of candy. 

And had a lot of fun with the games. 

We watched the tree lighting on the local television station, but they were actually there! 

What a fun experience!

There was an ice skating rink that they were excited to try out, but it got crowded and a security guard turned them away saying that it was getting too rowdy. We'd later see on the news that there were two shootings during the event... Sigh. Oh Detroit. 

It's freezing cold outside, but why not stop for Icees on the way home. They're all toasty because they're wearing the pajama onesies they got from Lola for their birthday. 

The next day, before they went to bed, they were super excited to look out the window and discover...

It's snowing! 

I brought them a snowball to put under their pillow so the Snow Fairy will bring more snow overnight. They declined though. 

But the next day they were happy to get bundled up and go outside to play. Catching Uncle Don coming over. 

And throwing snowballs at him. 

It was an all-out snowball fight in the front yard. 

They have pretty good aim. Plus they're small so they don't present a very big target. 

By the next day the sun had come out and the snow had all melted. 

All of us piled into a van together and went out to see the Wayne County Lightfest. 

It's a long stretch of a back road where there's lots of different light displays, sponsored by various local businesses. No houses back here. 

It's the Bumble from Rudolph!

Time to gather around the Christmas tree and open some presents. Alli showing her piano skills. She's really loving Simply Piano for learning how to play. 

And playing a duet with Uncle Donald. 

Water shoes for using at the water parks! Awesome! 

My favorite place to be at the end of each night. Nothing like a real fireplace.

We've loved our time here in Michigan. It's been a good start to the Christmas season. 

1 comment:

  1. The visit to the official tree lighting ceremony was filled w/ lots of fun activities and yummy waffle snacks...glad they weren't around for the violence later (yes, Detroit lives up to its reputation, unfortunately). The Wayne County Lightfest was a colorful, light-filled even to visit...always so pretty to see the Christmas lights at night. When the weather is frigid, it's Icee time, not hot chocolate time for some brave ones :-)...personally, think I'll go for the hot chocolate :-) Enjoy seeing/hearing the piano playing...great duet by Alli & Don...look at that concentration on Alli's face! Those onesies from Lola were perfect for the Michigan cold...warm and comfy, all a reminder of the special friendship between them. Ahhh...the warmth of a fire while the cold is kept outside...definitely a different feeling than from an electric fireplace! The time in Michigan went TOO fast for everyone. EOM
