
Monday, December 20, 2021

Pizza at Home - Florida Alligator Pizza

After last week's Florida Orange pizza, I felt that I needed to give Florida another try. What else is Florida famous for? You know, we've seen a few alligators while we've been out and about. That could certainly be interesting. 

This week, I'm going to make an Alligator pizza!

Nearby our RV campground, there's a meat market with a sign out front advertising Alligator Sausage. 

Along with all the other fresh seafood they're selling, they've got Alligator Sausage and Alligator Meat. There's a gator head above the coolers too. Looks like we're in the right place. 

And brand new to the RV, an early Christmas gift from my parents, are these two pizza stones that are just the right size for my oven. You know what that means. 

Thin Crust pizza is back on the menu! You need that heat retaining power of the pizza stone in order to get a crackery crust. As ever, I'll be using the recipe from for my dough. 

What other toppings should I use along with my Alligator sausage? I chose fresh tomato slices and grilled onions. 

Even though it's precooked, I opted to slice it up and put them in a pan to get some color on them. 

I put the pizza dough between two sheets of parchment and rolled it out as thin as I possibly could. 

The kids were very excited to hear that we'd finally be having thin crust pizzas again. It's their favorite, even though it's not mine. 

Ian's is so thin that you can barely tell there's something underneath all that pepperoni. 

And Alli is starting to branch out and try different toppings now. With thin crust, she's picking pepperoni and olives. 

The pizza stone did a really good job at getting the edges nice and crispy. I need to figure out how to get the crunchiness to make it all the way to the middle. I have some ideas I'll be trying out to get there. 

They're looking forward to this a lot! Along with my specialty Gator pizza, everyone is getting a personal pizza too. 

I made mine with bacon, ham, tomato, grilled onion, pineapple, and red pepper flakes. It was only missing goat cheese, otherwise it was pretty perfect. 

Theresa's had pepperoni, ham, olives, grilled onions, and tomatoes. 
Ian said this was 10x better than my regular pizzas. Thanks, I guess? 

My plate tonight. The Alligator pizza was interesting. The gator sausage has a strange taste that I'm not quite used to. Whether it was the meat or the spices that were used in the sausage, I don't know. 

Alli gave it a try and said "Not Bad" but set it down and immediately went to her water glass. 
It was a good attempt, but I don't think Alligator Pizza will be back on the menu here. 

But all the rest of the thin crust pizza. That disappeared quite quickly! Everyone loves that we can make it in the RV now and want me to make it again soon!

1 comment:

  1. Alligator meat is appropriate for a Florida-themed pizza...good idea for a theme (but knowing it's from an alligator is a psychological barrier for me; same thing w/ snails...I couldn't bring myself to eat the snails while everyone else in my family were noisily enjoying them w/ the spicy black bean sauce!) Looks like the pizza stones will be used quite a bit in the RV, especially since Ian says the thin crust is 10x better than the regular crust :-) :-) Those cleaned-off plates is evidence of how good those pizzas were (minus alligator one). EOM
